Is all about my daily life what is happening surrounding me. I will try my best to update everyday~ ^^
I Love Taiwan!!!!
September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
有女朋友的必须看,也许大家都错了...女生,是需要珍惜的。 想想当初你见到她是多麼开心,她的一频一笑都让你注意, 现在,她跟你在一起了。 女生多半会帮男朋友想, 怕他太累.怕他钱花太多,所以不敢叫他带他去吃大餐,去玩好的, 但是,你有没有注意过,当她在跟你说不用的时候,其实眼睛里还是会带有一丝期待。 也许男生会想,我都跟她那麼熟了,有些东西,节日就该免了吧, 但是虽然再熟,虽然你少去这些东西,她不会对你怎样, 但是你何不在国际周送束鲜花,在情人节制造点浪漫,圣诞节加一点惊喜, 你会发现其实女生嘴上说不在意,当她收到你的心意时,是多麼的高兴, 而不是说她已经跟你在一起了,就不用像以前在追她时那样对她,把一切都省了。女生总是不敢开口要求,总是为了男生想好多, 男孩子何不多想一些,多做一点点,你会发现,女孩子好感动,好高兴。························································································· 既然爱她,就多用一点心在她身上, 所谓的用心,不是只有把时间花在她身上, 而是要去探寻她的内心,学著去懂她, 她需要的是什麼,她想表达但没说出来的是什麼, 只要男生肯用心,将会发现, 她的一举一动,在在都在表现著她对你的爱,无可取代。 很多时候很多小事情小动作,都是有涵义在里面的, 如果你不用心,只有等到后来她离开了你, 才惋惜,才后悔。 ············································································································两个人能相爱,并不容易, 爱情,并不只是因为需要有一个人疼, 它也是一种成长,一种领悟。 当你遇到一个愿意与你心灵互相交会的女生, 一个愿意为你付出的女生, 她的快乐与幸福,就是你的责任。 女人的心,男人若不能保护, 我们就没有资格谈爱谈幸福谈…… 我现在觉得……为什会常常被说木头了。 因为我总是女生开口,我才会去做什麼,有时候,这样的感觉,似乎少了什麼, 我想是一份感觉跟默契吧。
我们男生,总是在追到女生后,就会没有在追的时候认真,用心,我们总是变的自私,一昧的要更多的爱,而却把我们对她的爱,一点一滴的减少。 所以,在追到我们心仪的女生后,我们是否可以写一张纸,常常提醒我们自己,我们要更认真,更用心,尽力给她们最好的,这样,才不会辜负她们,毕竟她们是选择了我们,我们有这个责任跟义务,给她们最大的幸福, 在相处方面,我们可以细心的跟她们说,我们难以接受的地方, 哪里是我们所谓的地雷,这样,她们也会去注意,尽可能的不要去采到。 千万不要一直一昧的让自己受委屈,这样,只会让时间, 一点一点的侵蚀掉我们对她们的爱,当然,这是双方的规则, 谁都不要去触碰到,再加上双方的用心跟彼此的渐渐了解, 我想,你们会是幸福的一对儿。 有没有一双手,握住了便不轻易放手。 有没有一个肩膀,可以倚靠一辈子都有安全感。 有没有一场拥抱,紧紧的让两个人再也不分开。 有没有一种约定,是相约每一个来生都要和你相遇。 有没有一段感情,深深刻在心里一辈子不会忘记。 有没有一个人,是你用尽了一生力气还舍不得将他遗忘。 天长地久,有多久,能给个时间吗?
她独立,也好强, 她宁愿忍受太多的寂寞和痛苦也不愿意向别人提起。 她也会偶尔的忧郁, 朋友问她怎么了, 她也只会说没事。
她一定要对方先流露出对她有好感,她才散发她的热情。 她爱的永远是对她最好的那个,那个好她心里是有一个标准的,你的积分超过了那条线,她会爱上你,但大多数人没超过线之前就离开了,或者超过了之后没等她看到就离开了。
她恋爱的时候 ,喜欢大事听男孩子的而在小事上调皮,耍赖。
不要认为她太小气,蛮不讲理, 其实在她调皮的习惯里已经为你收敛不少!
对她们而言,唯一具备杀伤力的只有感情, 感情如果受到挫折,会毁了她,要么成就了她。从此更加漠然,专注于事业。
不要怪她太绝情,她其实很爱你,但是卑微的爱情她不要, 她果断的转身只是不想让你看见她滑落的泪水!
她失恋的时候会在别人面前装的很好,大声的笑,放声的闹。 当姐妹心疼的说:“你没事吧?”她会放下她所有的骄傲,趴到姐妹怀里哭。 哭完了,苦笑一声:没想到我还会为一个男的哭。
她从来不会在情人面前大声哭泣,除非她真的崩溃了。 即使在你爱着她的时候,她也会胡思乱想让自己悲伤。 如果你看到她的眼泪,请相信这绝不是她在博取同情,这是她这样一颗内心骄傲的女子不得己的场景。 她想对你负责,对她负责,对自己的过去和未来负责,但请你不要轻易给她承诺和誓言.她很难相信. 即使她很难相信,但她还是会选择等待。 若她喜欢上你,请你不要在她的世界里消失。 她没有更多的要求,不会打扰你的生活。 她只是想静静的看着你,当你的观众,仅此而已。
她从不轻言爱,她的爱很沉默,那并非是因为她缺少那份勇气,在她的心里有一道栅栏, 那就是自尊。
她在你面前永远性感调皮,偶尔撒撒娇,跟你玩陌生人的游戏,在你的朋友 面前从来大方得体,微笑的依偎在你身边。
❤_|轉| 终于明白有多少情侣败给距离_❤
2、共同语言 如果两个人在一起,两个人的交往圈会融为共同的圈子,话题永远都在更新。
September 25, 2010
14、 如果他很瘦,就想办法骗他吃有营养的东西,吃饭时碰到肉全让他解决,说自己正减肥。如果他需要减肥,就陪他吃含脂肪少但美味的东西
15、 他和朋友出去的时候,不要总是打电话不让他这样不让他那样,那样会让他很不爽,让他玩高兴
16、 当他忙的时候,让他好好安心的忙,可以帮他的就帮一些;自己忙的时候,先告诉他,让他该做什么做什么去,别让他等你等的很累
September 22, 2010
Going the Distance
I just watched the movie 'Going the distance' and i must say, it is one of the best movies that i can relate to. I'm pretty sure some of you out there that can relate to it as well, that's if you're in a long distance relationship or used to be in one.
Thing about this movie is that it exactly depicts how the relationship is and the challenges couples will face. Example, the bombardment of doubts and thoughts thrown at from friends regarding the distance that will question how much you trust your partner. Indeed it is tough, believe me. I have had those questions asked and frankly speaking, if you are not tough you will succumb to the pressure. See, everybody wants to give their 2 cents and it is actually damaging psychologically. One of the most popular question would be : " aren't you afraid? she's there and you're here". Yea, questions like these and alot more are actually spirit breakers.
Its hard having all your friends being all negative about the idea of a long distance relationship. And seriously, long distance only works if you and your partner are willing to do what it takes to make it work. This is not for those who don't have their own perspective and and susceptible to the relentless negative talk and doubt from others. Allow me if you may, to give some pointers and tips based on my experience on it.
Set Boundaries
Couples, it is important to establish boundaries for the relationship. This means laying everything down on what is acceptable and unacceptable from each other. This is crucial for knowing what is expected from each other and what is of importance in the relationship. Set boundaries between lover and friends. Learn how to equally divide attention and dont let your partner feel less important. It hurts their feelings. Also learn to draw the line between contact with an ex, this is unacceptable. Though things are over and you are friends, learn where your commitment lies. Talk to your partner about this even if its tough. If you know something is not right, make it clear of the boundary between ex's and that you are in a relationship. You have to be hard on this because one small mistake could either make or break.
Do i need to say more? Communicate with each other as often as possible. Talk about your day, feelings and what not. Communication is the basis of interaction between couples, and it lets each other share whats on their minds. Call each other before going to bed, or first thing in the morning. Call them for no reason at all or just to say you miss them. Simple gestures like this goes a long way for a relationship. Be careful not to be too clingy by calling every 10 mins or or a 20 times in an hour. Space is needed as well.
As mentioned above, space is important for a couple to still have their own 'me' time. Sometimes, its best to just let each other to their own things and not to drown them with constant questions like "what are you doing?" and stuff. Its not necessary to know every detail of the things each other do, but it is necessary to tell each other and inform early as to avoid misunderstanding or conflicts. If its one thing i've learned, do not, i repeat, DO NOT ask too much. It annoys them. Let them open up and share it to you. Do your own things, be yourself, have fun but do not go to far with it.
Long distance relationship especially, requires a lot of trust for each other. Since you both are in a different place. Trust completely and leave no room for doubt. Always assure each other, not just assuming that your partner trusts each other. Do things that earn each others trust because trust is given, not made. Of course once awhile we will be in doubt and insecure about situations that happen. Talk about it and reassure each other.
Be honest in everything. No matter how difficult it is to say or just to avoid conflicts and arguments, you should always be honest in everything. Do not do things behind each others back. This is unfair. Unless you are planning a surprise. Leaving things unsaid creates room for doubt and suspicion. This could effect the relationship ultimately. It doesn't hurt to be honest who you're with and what are you doing. Just explain to your partner.
Its hard to be intimate being away. However, make the effort to be intimate either by talking or sending text msgs. Intimacy builds along the time and gradually grows. A good example would be to talk before going to bed or a text in the morning and stuff. Show your affection in any way possible. Tell them you love them and miss them. FDA (facebook display of affection) is a great tool a well.
Commitment is important. Be committed to each other, the relationship and make the effort to work things out. Always remember, it takes 2 hands to clap. Therefore it takes 2 people to make a relationship work and not just one person doing all the job. Solves problems together and dont just bail when it gets tough.
Show appreciation
The little things you do for each other should always be appreciated. Its not the drastic things done that should. Partners want to feel appreciated and knowing that their sacrifice and efforts are all worth it. Remember, not everything evolves around you and gratitude is important.
Do things together
Make a date night if possible. Have dinner together over the webcam, watch a movie at the same time and talk about it. Stuff like that is a great way to bond even though the distance.
Give surprises
Surprise each other occasionally. like plan a visit or buy some gifts over the time so when you both meet up, you can give a surprise present to them. Be creative, think of ways to surprise each other. Dont be passive and just wait and expect something.
Be faithful and loyal
Yes, this is important. You may find yourself feeling lonely and want the attention and affection of your partner. This is where your loyalty and love for each other is put to the test. There will be people around you that will try to influence your thinking, or try to fill that gap in which your partner is not available. Its not the reason for you to flirt. Ultimately it comes down to how much you love each other.
Be Understanding
You should know that your partner can't always be there when you need them. Be understanding of the situations. Or even if there is something that happened. Dont be quick to conclude and get all worked up. Arguments dont solve anything but instead will turn relationships sour. Talk about any disagreements or what upsets you and find a solution. Breaking up is not an answer.
Needless to say, love each other unconditionally. Love them for their good and bad. Accept every flaw and short coming they have. Love them even when they make you happy or sad. Just love each other, and you'll find things will work out and be alright.
Last advice, be strong and hold on to each other. Long distance is but a phase and will not be forever.
Thing about this movie is that it exactly depicts how the relationship is and the challenges couples will face. Example, the bombardment of doubts and thoughts thrown at from friends regarding the distance that will question how much you trust your partner. Indeed it is tough, believe me. I have had those questions asked and frankly speaking, if you are not tough you will succumb to the pressure. See, everybody wants to give their 2 cents and it is actually damaging psychologically. One of the most popular question would be : " aren't you afraid? she's there and you're here". Yea, questions like these and alot more are actually spirit breakers.
Its hard having all your friends being all negative about the idea of a long distance relationship. And seriously, long distance only works if you and your partner are willing to do what it takes to make it work. This is not for those who don't have their own perspective and and susceptible to the relentless negative talk and doubt from others. Allow me if you may, to give some pointers and tips based on my experience on it.
Set Boundaries
Couples, it is important to establish boundaries for the relationship. This means laying everything down on what is acceptable and unacceptable from each other. This is crucial for knowing what is expected from each other and what is of importance in the relationship. Set boundaries between lover and friends. Learn how to equally divide attention and dont let your partner feel less important. It hurts their feelings. Also learn to draw the line between contact with an ex, this is unacceptable. Though things are over and you are friends, learn where your commitment lies. Talk to your partner about this even if its tough. If you know something is not right, make it clear of the boundary between ex's and that you are in a relationship. You have to be hard on this because one small mistake could either make or break.
Do i need to say more? Communicate with each other as often as possible. Talk about your day, feelings and what not. Communication is the basis of interaction between couples, and it lets each other share whats on their minds. Call each other before going to bed, or first thing in the morning. Call them for no reason at all or just to say you miss them. Simple gestures like this goes a long way for a relationship. Be careful not to be too clingy by calling every 10 mins or or a 20 times in an hour. Space is needed as well.
As mentioned above, space is important for a couple to still have their own 'me' time. Sometimes, its best to just let each other to their own things and not to drown them with constant questions like "what are you doing?" and stuff. Its not necessary to know every detail of the things each other do, but it is necessary to tell each other and inform early as to avoid misunderstanding or conflicts. If its one thing i've learned, do not, i repeat, DO NOT ask too much. It annoys them. Let them open up and share it to you. Do your own things, be yourself, have fun but do not go to far with it.
Long distance relationship especially, requires a lot of trust for each other. Since you both are in a different place. Trust completely and leave no room for doubt. Always assure each other, not just assuming that your partner trusts each other. Do things that earn each others trust because trust is given, not made. Of course once awhile we will be in doubt and insecure about situations that happen. Talk about it and reassure each other.
Be honest in everything. No matter how difficult it is to say or just to avoid conflicts and arguments, you should always be honest in everything. Do not do things behind each others back. This is unfair. Unless you are planning a surprise. Leaving things unsaid creates room for doubt and suspicion. This could effect the relationship ultimately. It doesn't hurt to be honest who you're with and what are you doing. Just explain to your partner.
Its hard to be intimate being away. However, make the effort to be intimate either by talking or sending text msgs. Intimacy builds along the time and gradually grows. A good example would be to talk before going to bed or a text in the morning and stuff. Show your affection in any way possible. Tell them you love them and miss them. FDA (facebook display of affection) is a great tool a well.
Commitment is important. Be committed to each other, the relationship and make the effort to work things out. Always remember, it takes 2 hands to clap. Therefore it takes 2 people to make a relationship work and not just one person doing all the job. Solves problems together and dont just bail when it gets tough.
Show appreciation
The little things you do for each other should always be appreciated. Its not the drastic things done that should. Partners want to feel appreciated and knowing that their sacrifice and efforts are all worth it. Remember, not everything evolves around you and gratitude is important.
Do things together
Make a date night if possible. Have dinner together over the webcam, watch a movie at the same time and talk about it. Stuff like that is a great way to bond even though the distance.
Give surprises
Surprise each other occasionally. like plan a visit or buy some gifts over the time so when you both meet up, you can give a surprise present to them. Be creative, think of ways to surprise each other. Dont be passive and just wait and expect something.
Be faithful and loyal
Yes, this is important. You may find yourself feeling lonely and want the attention and affection of your partner. This is where your loyalty and love for each other is put to the test. There will be people around you that will try to influence your thinking, or try to fill that gap in which your partner is not available. Its not the reason for you to flirt. Ultimately it comes down to how much you love each other.
Be Understanding
You should know that your partner can't always be there when you need them. Be understanding of the situations. Or even if there is something that happened. Dont be quick to conclude and get all worked up. Arguments dont solve anything but instead will turn relationships sour. Talk about any disagreements or what upsets you and find a solution. Breaking up is not an answer.
Needless to say, love each other unconditionally. Love them for their good and bad. Accept every flaw and short coming they have. Love them even when they make you happy or sad. Just love each other, and you'll find things will work out and be alright.
Last advice, be strong and hold on to each other. Long distance is but a phase and will not be forever.
31 Dating Tips You Should Know..
These tips are given by a dating blogger called Erin Meanley. Get ready to take your love life to the next level!

1. If you're confused about whether a guy likes you or not, that's probably not good. Confusion in romance belongs only in romantic comedies because it suspends the plot, but suspense in real life sucks. So try not to analyze the events. The truth will reveal itself without you having to do anything.
2. Sometimes guys flirt with you or pay attention to you because it makes them feel good about themselves. (Hey, we do it, too.)
3. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. If he holds back in order to control the situation, or to keep you, or keep you down, he's got issues.
4. Don't help him ask you out by texting him something nice or polite. I'm glad you're more outgoing and thoughtful than he is, but he doesn't want the help.
5. Guys want to get busy more than anything. They'll say anything to close the deal.
6. It's shocking how much guys will talk about marriage. Until there's a ring on your finger, it will be better for you if you pretend you're deaf.
7. It's better not to lift a finger in the beginning.
8. In the early stages, giving him presents is too much. Generosity looks desperate to guys. You may be a great shopper and gift-wrapper; it may be his birthday and you may be wild about birthdays — even still, he'll think you're just wild about him. Too wild.
9. Guys just do not think like girls. I wish I'd had a brother. Real boys are nothing like the boys in movies.
10. They might take a decade to mature. Don't hope they'll grow up or be ready in the next six months.
11. Even if your family thinks there's going to be a marriage, don't let them spoil your guy. Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.
12. Learn to cook. Learn to cook well. I see now that it would have won me a lot of points. A LOT.
13. Just because he might be smarter than you or more talented at certain things doesn't mean he's your servant and won't mind doing all your homework/research/chores.
14. Guys get resentful, too.
15. You're special, unique, and important, but you're not a princess — no matter what Daddy says (although for the record, my dad calls me "Erin").
16. It's okay to say no. It's more than okay. It's always okay. If he stops calling (and many, many, many will), you're only weeding out the guys who aren't truly interested in you as a person. Time saved!
17. Playing it safe guarantees you'll have more time and energy to think about your grades or your work. Less drama in your life will always be better and healthier for you.
18. You deserve to be treated like a human being.
19. Your wants and needs are just as important as his, and if you don't express them because you think it will scare him away, then you're saying you don't count as much as he does.
20. Even sophisticated people with professional jobs can have tempers or hit you or use foul language. I've known men who dressed like diplomats but they were ugly human beings.
21. You can't force chemistry. If you like him as a friend, the attraction might grow, but if it doesn't, don't force it. And don't waste his time.
22. Ease up on the sauce. Alcohol clouds your judgment.
23. No boyfriend-girlfriend relationship starts with a 1 a.m. booty text.
24. When a guy has taken you to Applebee's five times and you say you want to treat him, he'll be psyched. But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time. Don't try to match him one Ruth's Chris for five Applebee's. Take him out, but go to T.G.I. Friday's.
25. Women love attention. A guy needs to be pretty crazy about you in order for him to pay enough attention to make you happy long-term.
26. My mom always said, "Men don't think." I thought she meant, "They are mistaken in their thoughts." But they're just not thinking anything at all. About you. They're watching the game. That's why they haven't called.
27. There should be a medium ground between workaholism and his absolute devotion. "The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet" (Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 658).
28. Never underestimate the quality of "interesting." Men want someone interesting. They really do. Find some hobbies.
29. What are you hoping to gain by hooking up with this guy? If the answer is "him," that's a bad deal for you. "The woman gives herself, the man adds to himself by taking her" (de Beauvoir 659).
30. Expectations? They'll ruin every dating experience you have.
31. You will never understand men. Just try to understand yourself.

1. If you're confused about whether a guy likes you or not, that's probably not good. Confusion in romance belongs only in romantic comedies because it suspends the plot, but suspense in real life sucks. So try not to analyze the events. The truth will reveal itself without you having to do anything.
2. Sometimes guys flirt with you or pay attention to you because it makes them feel good about themselves. (Hey, we do it, too.)
3. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. If he holds back in order to control the situation, or to keep you, or keep you down, he's got issues.
4. Don't help him ask you out by texting him something nice or polite. I'm glad you're more outgoing and thoughtful than he is, but he doesn't want the help.
5. Guys want to get busy more than anything. They'll say anything to close the deal.
6. It's shocking how much guys will talk about marriage. Until there's a ring on your finger, it will be better for you if you pretend you're deaf.
7. It's better not to lift a finger in the beginning.
8. In the early stages, giving him presents is too much. Generosity looks desperate to guys. You may be a great shopper and gift-wrapper; it may be his birthday and you may be wild about birthdays — even still, he'll think you're just wild about him. Too wild.
9. Guys just do not think like girls. I wish I'd had a brother. Real boys are nothing like the boys in movies.
10. They might take a decade to mature. Don't hope they'll grow up or be ready in the next six months.
11. Even if your family thinks there's going to be a marriage, don't let them spoil your guy. Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.
12. Learn to cook. Learn to cook well. I see now that it would have won me a lot of points. A LOT.
13. Just because he might be smarter than you or more talented at certain things doesn't mean he's your servant and won't mind doing all your homework/research/chores.
14. Guys get resentful, too.
15. You're special, unique, and important, but you're not a princess — no matter what Daddy says (although for the record, my dad calls me "Erin").
16. It's okay to say no. It's more than okay. It's always okay. If he stops calling (and many, many, many will), you're only weeding out the guys who aren't truly interested in you as a person. Time saved!
17. Playing it safe guarantees you'll have more time and energy to think about your grades or your work. Less drama in your life will always be better and healthier for you.
18. You deserve to be treated like a human being.
19. Your wants and needs are just as important as his, and if you don't express them because you think it will scare him away, then you're saying you don't count as much as he does.
20. Even sophisticated people with professional jobs can have tempers or hit you or use foul language. I've known men who dressed like diplomats but they were ugly human beings.
21. You can't force chemistry. If you like him as a friend, the attraction might grow, but if it doesn't, don't force it. And don't waste his time.
22. Ease up on the sauce. Alcohol clouds your judgment.
23. No boyfriend-girlfriend relationship starts with a 1 a.m. booty text.
24. When a guy has taken you to Applebee's five times and you say you want to treat him, he'll be psyched. But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time. Don't try to match him one Ruth's Chris for five Applebee's. Take him out, but go to T.G.I. Friday's.
25. Women love attention. A guy needs to be pretty crazy about you in order for him to pay enough attention to make you happy long-term.
26. My mom always said, "Men don't think." I thought she meant, "They are mistaken in their thoughts." But they're just not thinking anything at all. About you. They're watching the game. That's why they haven't called.
27. There should be a medium ground between workaholism and his absolute devotion. "The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet" (Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 658).
28. Never underestimate the quality of "interesting." Men want someone interesting. They really do. Find some hobbies.
29. What are you hoping to gain by hooking up with this guy? If the answer is "him," that's a bad deal for you. "The woman gives herself, the man adds to himself by taking her" (de Beauvoir 659).
30. Expectations? They'll ruin every dating experience you have.
31. You will never understand men. Just try to understand yourself.
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