I Love Taiwan!!!!

I Love Taiwan!!!!

November 28, 2011


一个眼神,一个微小的动作,都知道对方在想什么、要做什么,知道这辈子就是他了.. 一切都顺理成章的进行著,就等著毕业、工作、结婚..

如果你不想分手,想一直走一辈子,那么,请注意以下这些... ...

November 27, 2011


Today went to 1Borneo for having a lunch meals with little sister... McD!!
The 1 Borneo shopping mall is totally !@#$%^&*()... FULL CAR PARK!!! PACK!!! and i used for 1 HOURS to find a parking!!!
Really hate it!! I almost around 2pm then only can eat my BRUNCHIE~ :'(

Then went to game station there to play those games with little sis~

November 26, 2011

Christmas Plan

Well well well.. End of every year is the most happy... WHY?? Its DECEMBER!!!!
DECEMBER means what? Its a last months a year? Is getting a new year for everyone of us...
It remind all of us that within that one year, what we had done.. =)

Well, this year Christmas plan :

1) Buy clothes - MEGA SALES!!!
2) Carolling ~
3) Sing Christmas songs - Jingle Bells, Silent Night, Merry Christmas
4) What else? I want to get a new laptop or service it..
5) Bring tour to Shanghai on 26 Dec - This time i lead this group more stress.. :'(

How am i going to settle ?

Recently, many thinngs happen on my life..
No matter on my workings, family, friends problem or relationship~
I don't know that what is happening~

Recently, really was a bad bad bad bad things happen~~
Even i don know how to settle everythings~
Everythings happen in a same time and i really don know how to handle it

First, about working.. Oh my gosh~~ Those customer really FASSY so much and “不讲道理“, “霸道”,每一天都要求扣团费!!“什么都是你们说完! 但是你们真的不知道我所面对后的事情~ But what can do~ Beside that also meet with those customer calling to office just not asking for tour information.. But is to talk talk talk RUBBISH~ @_@''' Somethings really thinks that one day only have 24hrs but feels like its not enough for me... I can't even finish work at all..

Secondly, is about what? my family.. as my closed friends know that what is happening on my family problems and yet.. i don want to talk much.. but sometimes i will miss my dad.. =) he still my dad.. but ya.. T_T

Thirdly, is friends problems.. problems problems problems and many problems!! ==''' no mood to explain.